36% of Employees Still Have Access to Sensitive Data After they Leave
Employee access to sensitive company data is not always being promptly rescinded when employees leave or are terminated, according to a survey by IS Decisons cited in Tech Guru Daily. The survey found over a third of employees still had access after their employment ended. Nine percent of those employees actively searched in their former-employer’s systems.
Malfeasance by employees with access to sensitive data is the single biggest threat to a company’s data security. The very simple step of changing a former employee’s password as part of the termination/exit process eliminates almost all of the exposure. While all business categories were represented, the biggest offenders were in IT and HR companies – where one would expect the understanding and sensitivity to the issues would be heightened.
Read the article here. http://www.tgdaily.com/enterprise/121036-36-of-ex-employees-still-connected-to-sensitive-data
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